The risk for internal and external parasites varies based on the different seasons. As our winters have become warmer, ticks have the longest season of all external parasites and will actively seek out a host when the temperature is above 0 degrees Celcius. Depending on how mild a winter we experience, pets at risk may require tick prevention year round.

Fleas die off outdoors after the first hard frost but return again in the spring. Starting flea control by April 1 is recommended to reduce the risk of a flea infestation occurring. Don’t forget that fleas that have travelled into your house can live year round and the population can surge as the day length and humidity increases in the spring.

Heartworm season transmission occurs from June 1 until November 1 in Ontario. For clients travelling south with their pets, they will require extended prevention for Heartworm disease which can be a year round risk in warmer climates.

Intestinal parasites can be an ongoing risk throughout the year depending on your dog’s lifestyle, hunting habits and contact with other dogs.

There are simple monthly products to help protect your dog from fleas, ticks, Heartworm and intestinal worms and combinations of products that can be used to ensure your dog is covered throughout the variable parasite seasons.

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